How to add Crochet Edging to Fleece


Here it is! A step by step tutorial to adding crochet edging to fleece! It is my new favorite thing to do and I am sure you will love it too. Best of all it is really pretty easy and opens a whole new world mixing fabrics in with your crochet. Join me on Instagram for crafty (and cat) pictures! These are the perfect baby shower gift. Make up several to have on hand. Make any size for quick gifts.

Want to add a embellishment? Check out my tutorials for a super cute koala or an adorable owl.

Before we start I want to warn you I am not a perfectionist. Things will not be perfect and I fudge mistakes an awful lot!

Step One: Gather Your Supplies


For this project you will need Fleece, scissors, a rotary cutter and a skip blade, a cutting mat, and a clear ruler. You could skip the ruler if you don’t have one and use a something else with a flat edge as a guide.

A note about fleece. I like to buy remnants. They are a piece of fleece less than 1.5 yards, kind of left overs at the craft store. The best part is that they are an extra 50% off the sale price! A super good bargain. I try to be sure the remnants I buy are at least .75 or a yard or more. You obviously can just buy fleece in whatever size you want.

This technique also works on flannel but the flannel isn’t quite as easy to work with. The holes had a bit of fray in them so it is more work to cram the hook through. I am guessing it would work with micro-fleece, lux fleece, or minky but am not sure.


This is my rotary cutter with a skip blade. A must for this project. I found mine with the other rotary cutters and scissors.

Step Two: Prepare your Fabric


This one is easy! Just cut the selvage off each end. I am saving the strips for a maybe someday project. Normal non craft hoarders would throw them out.

Then you need to cut your fabric to size. Since I am using remnants the sizes are sometimes odd. I just eyeball it and cut off what is needed to make a normal sized blanket. I am cutting mine in 5 inch increments because I am making 5 inch squares with the extra to someday make a patchwork type blanket. With crochet edging of course.


Step Three: Make the holes

Now it’s time for the fun part! Using the skip blade to make the holes you will crochet in. Don’t worry it’s not as scary as it sounds.


Put your fleece in a single layer out on the cutting mat. Line it up so you can start off with straight lines. It doesn’t have to be perfect! I don’t even trim off jagged edges because they will roll under when you crochet. Put your ruler about 2/3 of an inch in this gives enough fleece to roll under and make a neat edge. Approximately! Don’t stress here.


Line your cutter up and go for it! Press firmly and go slow. IMG_20160223_095900.jpg

This is what the holes look like. My mat isn’t very big so I have to pull the fabric towards me and then re do the ruler. This is the only time I match the holes up for cutting. Just put one of the blades in the last hole and continue on.

Corners. I debated and debated how to do the corners. As usual I picked the easiest way. Just go for it. I just line the fabric up and cut. Not worrying about lining up holes or any thing. It works out just fine.

That wasn’t so hard was it? Now put away your cutting supplies and find your hook and yarn.

Part Two: Crochet Round 1


I am using some Deborah Norville worsted weight acrylic yarn. Any brand you prefer will work just fine. For me it was mostly about finding the color that matches best.

Size G crochet hook. This is the size I always use. Pretty much for everything. If you have a favorite for worsted weight use that instead. When my aunt taught me to crochet she told me to use this for everything so I do.


Holding the good side of the fabric towards you find a hole in the middle of an edge. Roll the fabric back so the edge is just above the hole. Poke your hook thru and pull a loop of yarn through. Chain one.


This is the back of the fabric after the first stitch. I slip the yarn end under the fold and work it in that way.


Now work a single crochet into each hole. Be sure to keep your stitches sort of loose so they don’t pull. Work until you get to a corner.


Work two stitches in the last one on that side. The one where I have my hook. Turn the fabric, tuck the corner down and work two in the next one. In this picture it would be the second one from the left.


The back looks a bit messy. After I am all done I use my tiny scissors to trim it up a bit and it isn’t noticeable.


Continue working a single crochet into each hole and working the corners as described. At the last stitch slip stitch into the first. If you are switching colors cut the yarn otherwise leave it be.

Part Three: The Edging


Now you are all set up to decide what type of edging you want to do. I have just been making it up as I go. And learning from my mistakes 😉 I will give you the basics of the three I have done but I didn’t follow a pattern. A quick ravelry search gave many choices.



This one was 2 rounds.

Round 1: Make 3 DC into every other stitch

Round 2. Work a 7 DC shell into every other middle DC. Slip stitch between.


Two rounds here too. It really could have used another round of at least HDC or maybe some shells but I was out of yarn so I just called it good enough.

Round 1: Chain 5, skip a stitch and slip stitch, chain 5 and repeat.

Round 2: HDC 4 times into each 5 chain.


This one is a chance for you to learn from my mistakes! I think the ruffling would be fixed if at the very beginning the DC was worked into every other stitch. Maybe. Or skip the chain one. Proceed at your own risk. I am giving directions for exactly what I did. The ruffling doesn’t bother me much.

Round 1. DC, chain one into each stitch.

Round 2: DC into each chain one.

Round 3: HDC into each stitch.

Even those this one is the least perfect it is really my favorite!


I know this was long but sure hope it was helpful! Please share on Facebook, PinterestInstagram, or wherever you would like!

Wise Guys

I love owls and wanted a quick project as a break from a baby blanket that wouldn’t end. I couldn’t find quite what I wanted so I came up with this guy. A quick, simple project for sure. I like to wear him like a brooch to fancy up my work uniform. He would be great on a hat or ear warmer too.

Check out my other free crochet patterns! Koala embellishment and Boho Cozy Wrap.

You will need: worsted weight yarn in the main color, white, and yellow. 2 safety eyes, a small circle of felt, and a pin back. Obviously if you are making an applique with him you won’t need the felt or pin.


I used worsted weight Hobby Lobby I Love this yarn and a size G 4.25 mm hook.

Using your main color chain 4 and slip stitch into the first chain to make a circle.


Chain 3 and then 13 DC into circle. I crochet over the end at this point to avoid weaving it in. Slip stitch into the top of the chain 3 to join.



Chain 3 then 2 DC into each stitch. Join with slip stitch and break yarn. Weave on your ends.


Eyes, make 2.

Start just like the owl head. Chain 4 and join with a slip stitch.

Chain 2. 10 HDC into circle. Join with slip stitch and break yarn. Don’t worry about the ends.


For the ears cut 6 3 inch strings. Three for each side.

Now it is time to assemble your owl.

I used safety eyes but you could use buttons or beads. Put just the post part of the safety eye thru the white center. Hold the first eye in place and using your crochet hook pull one end thru and then the other but over a stitch. Tie them together, poke the safety eye thru, and put on the back. Repeat for the second eye. You could sew the eyes on if you prefer but they were on well with out.

Using yellow yarn add the beak. I thought it looked cute going on the bottom of the eyes a bit. Poke up thru the bottom of one eye and down thru the bottom of the other. Make a triangle and fill in with stitches. I am not so great at embroidery. Sorry for the clear directions on this part.

For the ears fold 3 strands of yarn in half and pull thru with crochet hook. Pass the ends thru the loop, pull tight, and trim to size. Repeat on the second side.


Trim any ends but don’t worry about making it neat. Cut a circle from felt and hot glue on. Hot glue pin back and let dry.

Boho Cozy Wrap

So many ways to wear the Boho Cozy Wrap

I am so excited to be sharing with you my first ever crochet pattern. This will be your new favorite shawl. Best of all I’m sharing it here with you for FREE! Yay! Who loves free as much as I do?

I was inspired to make this blanket poncho, ruana, wrap, shawl, cozy thingamabob by sweaters I saw in the window of Abercrombie and Fitch. I knew I wanted to make my very own! It really is so cozy to wear and can be worn so many different ways! It would look especially nice with skinny jeans and boots but, I am not so fashionable and don’t wear those. I am going to wear it with everything. It is the perfect fall accessory. Cozy and not bulky. This free crochet wrap should be the next thing you make. 

This is a very easy, beginner friendly pattern. I used Bernat Super Value Stripes yarn in Jungle Green. I was really surprised by how much I liked this yarn! The colors are beautiful and it feels so soft. The price was a huge plus as well. Each skein has 264 yards and was only $2.79 at my local Meijer (a grocery store). I think this will look wonderful in solids, tweed, or longer striping yarn as well. Actually I don’t think it would look bad in any yarn! Any easy to care for worsted weight yarn will work great. 

I sure hope you enjoy this pattern and give it a try! If you have any questions or issues I would be more than happy to help! If you do make your very own I would really like to see how it turns out. Share on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #Bohocozywrap. The pattern can also be found On Ravelry where you can easily share yours!

Look how pretty these colors are!!
Look how pretty these colors are!!

Supplies Needed:

Approximately 1,650 yards of worsted weight yarn. For me this was just over 6 skeins of the Bernat Super Value Stripes

J 10-6mm crochet hook

The only stitches needed are chain and HDC (US) or HTR (UK)

Finished size is 64 inches long and 48 inches wide. I am 5’2″ and it is roomy on me. If you are much shorter I would suggest using fewer stitches. I think you could be a fair bit taller and have it still fit great.

I think this is my favorite way to wear it.
I think this might be my favorite way to wear it!

Boho Cozy Wrap Pattern:

Chain 142 or whatever length you like. I draped the chain over my shoulder to see how long it should be. It will grow a bit but it’s a good way to decide how long to start. This would also make it easy to adjust for a shorter, cropped wrap.

HDC into second chain from the hook. HDC across chain. Turn, chain 2 and HDC into same stitch and the rest of stitches across.

Continue with HDC for a total of 49 rows or approximately 24 inches.

Row 50 HDC 70 then chain 72 to create the split. You are working no stitches in the remaining 70.

Work HDC in the second chain from the hook, across the chain, and then down the previous row.

Continue with the HDC rows for 50 more rows and end.

The first row after the chain (both times) is a bit fiddly but I think all starting rows are. I crochet over my ends as I go so I only need to weave the starting and end ends in. Not so sure that is the best way but it’s how I do it!

A close up of the split.
A close up of the split. This has room for improvement.
The finished Boho Cozy Wrap!

Please check out my other free crochet patterns. Wise Guys. This is a free crochet tutorial that shows you how easy it is to add a crochet border to fleece. Another embellishment this time its a koala!