4 Favorite Dessert Bar Recipes

Here are 4 of my very favorite dessert bars. I love how quick they go together, no fussing around scooping out cookies! Always a hit or parties and cookouts or for a day that just needs a bit of something sweet.

If I can make bars instead of cookies I almost always do. They are a time saver and are just as good, if not better than cookies!

These all are tried and true vintage recipes straight from our Grandma’s recipe collection to you! I hope you find your family’s new go to dessert bar recipe.

Lemon Bars

Sweet and tangy my personal favorite. I always make these for Easter. I really love these Lemon Bars and so does everyone that tries them! The shortbread crust with the tangy lemon filling is a winning combination.

Be sure to foil line your pan. The lemon wants to stick if you don’t.


Oatmeal Bars

Delicious chewy oatmeal bars. This recipe has lots of room for you to customize with what you like best or make due with what you have on hand. I like to be indulgent and eat these for breakfast! Maybe adding raisins would make them healthy!

This recipe makes a very large batch! I made a half batch and had plenty to share. These would be ideal for a bake sale or as part of dessert trays.


Mystery Bars

The mystery must be, how can something so simple be so delicious? We love these bars. With no fancy ingredients these are easy to make for no special reason! Mystery Bars taste like a visit with Grandma! That old fashioned comfort we all love.

Coconut is one of my very favorite dessert ingredients so of course Mystery Bars are one of my personal favorites.


Dream Bars

Another great vintage recipe! Cornflakes add a really good crunch and flavor. Make a batch of these for your next potluck! These remind me of 7 Layer Bars my Granny used to make. Not as much work but a similar rich flavor.


So there they are! What one are you going to make first?

Oatmeal Bars: Quick and Easy

We love oatmeal cookies so I was excited to give these a try!

This recipe came from the box I purchased at an estate sale. I wish I knew who Helen Rayner is!

If a recipe calls for nuts I skip them almost always. I just don’t care for them in baked goods.

I decided to swap the nuts for coconut flakes and switch the chocolate chips to white chocolate.

There are so many combinations you could do in these Oatmeal Bars. Just try and stick close to the original measurements.

I’d like to try M&M’s, butterscotch chips, and maybe even try it as written.

Oatmeal Bars

  • 1 1/2 Cup shorting (soft or oil)
  • 2 Cups brown sugar
  • 1 Cup granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 Cup hot water
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Mix all above well. Add 2 cups flour and 2 tsp salt.

1 tsp soda
6 Cups oatmeal (uncooked)
1 Cup chopped nuts
1 Cup chocolate bits

Mix well and spread on two well greased cookie sheets with sides and ends.

Bake 350 degrees 15-20 minutes or until light brown.

When cool cut into bars.

I made a half batch and it was a large plate full. This would be a great recipe for bake sales!

Butterscotch Brownies

I am lucky enough to have received the recipe box of my husband’s Grandma. It is stuffed full of handwritten recipes, ones cut from magazines, and ones typed on index cards. I am making a point to go through it and see what I can find to make. When we were invited to a family cookout I decided that was the time to give the butterscotch brownies a try. Boy were they a hit! If you are looking for a cookout recipe look no more, this is it!

Grandma's well loved recipe box
Grandma’s well loved recipe box

No one specifically remembered Grandma making these brownies but, food was a part of her love language. One of the main motivations for me learning to can is because of her. My husband claims home canned tomatoes made Grandma’s chili the best ever. Looking forward to cooler weather so we can see if I can come at least close to what he remembers. All of her children and grandchildren have many fond memories of delicious meals and desserts she prepared for her family. I am lucky she let me in on her secret ingredient for meatloaf! Maybe someday I will share it with the world.

I think they were especially enjoyable because they were Grandma’s recipe. I made them again to share here (and who am I fooling to eat some more of) and added my own twist.

Butterscotch Brownies, Grandma's handwritten recipe.
Butterscotch Brownies, Grandma’s handwritten recipe.

The recipe with my notes:

Butterscotch Brownies

4 tbsp butter melted and cooled – I didn’t cool the butter (terrible I know) or melt it all the way and they turned out great

1 cup light brown sugar – I assumed it is a packed cup.

1 egg

1/2 vanilla – She didn’t say teaspoon or tablespoon so I went with teaspoon.

1 cup sifted flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cup chopped walnuts –  The first time I made these I just skipped the walnuts. The second time I swapped the walnuts for white chocolate chips. Yummy. White chocolate chips were an excellent idea.

Combine butter and sugar. Stir in egg and vanilla. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in sugar mixture. Add walnuts or white chocolate chips. Spread in 8 inch square pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

The batter is very thick, like a dough. I pressed it to the edges with my fingers, not a spoon because it is really sticky.

Freshly baked.
Freshly baked.
Served hot! We couldn't wait! On a pretty plate my Granny gave me.
Served hot! We couldn’t wait! On a pretty plate my Granny gave me.

If you can’t wait and cut into them before they cool they will be very gooey and messy. Delicious but needing a fork. If you give the recipe a try I would love to hear what you thought! How does food play a role in your family traditions and memories?